The Banham Marsden March at Home

Not able to join us in person on 11 May? Sign up for FREE and organise your own walk! 

Choose your route and distance, and explore the best of your local area while raising funds for The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity.

How it works

Since 2022 over 900 supporters have organised their own walks, raising over £140,000 for The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity.
illustration of a computer mouse

1. Sign up

Register yourself or set up a team. You'll get a FREE fundrasing pack and t-shirt.

2. Plan your walk

Choose a route and distance that suits you. Don't forget to invite family and friends to register and join your team!

green fundraising coin tin illustration

3. Raise vital funds

We'll automatically create your fundraising page, all you need to do is add a story and share your page to ask your friends and family to donate. You can also join our Facebook group to meet others taking part.

4. Walk

You'll be part of a community taking part from across the UK and around the world. Walk in solidarity, walk in celebration, walk in memory. Together we walk for cancer patients everywhere.

What's included in your free fundraising pack?

Every Banham Marsden March at Home pack includes:

  • A free organic cotton t-shirt
  • Fundraising tips
  • Training guide
  • Tips to organise your walk
  • A cap, kindly donated by our sponsor Banham
  • Raise £150 and we'll send you a medal

Take part on your doorstep and see the best of your local area

To be able to choose my own route just suited me much better. It is really nice to actually get out in your local area!

So often I’ll drive past places every day but I’ve never actually had the time to stop and look. It is so different to walk around, and you appreciate so much


The back of a Banham Marsden Marcher, walking on a pavement in a green, suburban neighbourhood on a sunny day. They are wearing the branded orange-top with leggings and comfy walking shoes. There have a sign on their back that reads 'For Wendy'.
“With The Banham Marsden March at Home, you can do it whenever suits you. One year, the day of the in-person march was my Mum’s 80th birthday, so I did my walk a few weeks later. Being able to choose your date, it’s completely flexible – you can start earlier and finish later, or just do whatever suits you.”

"We took part from our new home in Northern Italy. It was great to be able to do the walk - despite the added hills - and know that others were doing it back home."

"I think the March is a way we can all give back to The Royal Marsden - not just for the work they do every day, but also to help fund research and new treatments. I want to make sure other patients can benefit from The Marsden the way I have."

A close up photo of a person working in a Cancer Research Lab. A pair of hands in purple gloves using a pippette.

The difference
you make

Thanks to your support we continue to be there for everyone who needs us. With the vital funds raised by The Banham Marsden March we are able to support the nurses, doctors and researchers to provide the very best care and develop life saving treatments, which are used across the UK and around the world.

By taking part in The Banham Marsden March at Home you will help transform the lives of cancer patients everywhere. Find out more.

The Banham Marsden March and The Banham Marsden March at Home 2025
are proudly sponsored by
Banham Logo
Team Banham at The Banham Marsden March. Two participants clapping and wearing Team Banham white caps

Celebrating 10 years of partnership with Banham in 2025

Team Banham has walked with us every year since 2015, and in 2025 we are proud to celebrate 10 years of our amazing partnership.

Banham’s support of The Banham Marsden March at Home has helped us to make this virtual option available each year since 2021, so we are very grateful for their generous commitment. 

Meet Team Banham and read more about our partnership highlights so far!