Allyson Critchley

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Together we walk!

I’m walking to support The Royal Marsden, a world-leading cancer centre. By donating to my page, their nurses, doctors, and research teams can provide the very best care and develop life-saving treatments, which are used across the UK and around the world. Together, we can transform the lives of cancer patients. Please support me today.

My achievements

Profile picture added

You increased your target

You added a blog post

You self-donated!

You've got your first donation

50% of your target raised

Fundraising goal reached!

Thank you to my Sponsors


Naomi Harte

Good luck and enjoy !


Debbie Paul

A donation so now you’ve reached your target, well done Allyson for taking the time to raise funds for The Marsden, you’re such a star ⭐️


Julie Richards

You’ve got this Allyson Good luck xx


Theresa Harding

What a superstar you are! Go girl xx Have fun along the way x


Team Lunn

So proud of you and thank you for doing for Joseph too xxxx






Allyson Critchley




Debbie M


Marie Morrison

Good luck Allyson - such a worthy cause. Marie xx


Elaine Keller

Such a lovely thing you are doing Allyson. I wish you well x


Angela Hepworth


Niall Sheridan


Eithne Hutchings

Good luck Allyson we did the walk a few years ago xxx


Glenda Banks

Go Allyson! You're a super star 🌟




Stephanie Price

Good luck! I’m sure you’ll get past mile 10 😉 xx


Sarah W


Lynn Johnson

Well done Allyson, you are an inspiration. Keep going that girl.


Bethany Campbell


Sarah Nelson

Amazing thing to do. No hobbling about after! X


Vicky Panayi

Well done Allyson! Hope you had fun! 👏👏👏


Jo Cloves

Well done for raising money for more research and to help so many patients. I hope you enjoy the walk and the atmosphere on the day. Have a good soak in some Epsom Bath salts afterwards! : ) xxx


Diane Gibbett

Best of Luck !



Well done. Nice to see you passing by!


Michelle Rondeau

Good luck Allyson xx


Maxine Cunningham

You'll smash it and for such a good cause. Wishing you all the best of luck xxx


Tianne Buttle

Well done Allyson you will be brilliant. Great cause xx


Gill De Marco

Good luck Allyson x


Kate Duncan

Good luck Allyson!


Lydia Hepworth


Elaine Mole

Good luck Allyson. You're amazing and you'll smash it!! Elaine M xx


Jenny Tidman

Great cause Allyson. Give us a wave as you pass!! Wishing you all the very best. Jenny x


Lisa Searle

Allyson, you will smash it ! xxx


Pam Bearman

Go Allyson, you can do it! X


Nikki Purewal

Great cause Allyson.Good luck. Remember to pack lots of blister plasters! You'll nail it!


Sally Spittle

Good luck. You are doing a great thing to help the Marsden.


Nikki Beresford-ward

You’ll be great, Allyson! A great cause. Enjoy it! x




David Brooker


Vanita S