Emma Garcia-Wells

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Together we walk!

I’m walking to support The Royal Marsden, a world-leading cancer centre. By donating to my page, their nurses, doctors, and research teams can provide the very best care and develop life-saving treatments, which are used across the UK and around the world. Together, we can transform the lives of cancer patients. Please support me today.

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Auntie Sharon

Thursday 9th May
I am doing the Marsden March for the first time this year and to be honest there has never been a better reason. 
I lost my Auntie Sharon to cancer last year, she had a lot of treatment at the Royal Marsden so feel a big thank you is due. 
My Auntie was so full of life, she loved being a mum and adored her grandchildren. Her relationship with Uncle Dave was something I admired and aspired to, you could feel how much they loved each other. Even after 40 years together they were like love sick teens. 
My poor mum lost a best friend and I don't think she will ever get over Sharon being gone. 
Sharon was taken far too early by this awful disease and we miss her greatly. 
The Marsden made her treatments and illness more manageable and for that we will be forever grateful xx

Thank you to my Sponsors


Lorraine Garcia

I’m so proud of you Emma, our beloved Shaz (Braveheart) who fought so bravely and with unbelievable dignity would be proud too. Her absence is so painful for all her family Xxxxx


David Mathis

Thank you, Emma You have? Touched my heart and brought tears to My eyes Sharon will be so proud of you.


D & K Mathis

Emma, thank for raising money for this fantastic cause. I know so many whom have been supported through this charity. Oir Sharon was such a beautiful woman, who is deeply missed and thought of daily.




Siobhan Goodwin

Good luck Antics Team xx