Taylor Fuller

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Together we walk!

I’m walking to support The Royal Marsden, a world-leading cancer centre. By donating to my page, their nurses, doctors, and research teams can provide the very best care and develop life-saving treatments, which are used across the UK and around the world. Together, we can transform the lives of cancer patients. Please support me today.

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So many reasons to walk

Saturday 16th Mar
Here we go again ..... Marsden March 2024 this time! 
I first walked the Marsden March 6 years ago, in memory of my gorgeous nan and each time I've walked it, or other walks, I've walked it inspired by those around me who are battling, have overcome cancer or are gone far too soon. But working in a school community means I see the effect that it has on not just me personally (and believe me - it has been ever-present in some of my loved ones this year) but also the effect it is having on so many beautiful families that I have the privilege to know and care for. So, it's time to take to the playground with our whole community by our sides and show the Marsden some support for the incredible work they do day in and day out for those warriors who have fought or are still fighting amongst us!

Of course I'll walk with special people in my heart, including friends currently fighting and my beloved nan and grandads ❤️  but I'll be opening my heart to spread some love to the wider community who are facing the effects of cancer and calling upon the Marsden's support too! We've got you 💪

Here's to team Hackbridge! Xxx

Thank you to my Sponsors



So proud of you! And I know who else would be too ❤️ Good luck Hackbridge, I'm sure you'll be amazing as always xx


Taylor F

I couldn't be prouder of what Hackbridge are doing today. Let's go Hackbridge! Xx


Maggie Fuller


Chloe, John, Holly Fuller


Nathan Fuller

I’m so proud of you Taylor , go on hackbrige you got this


Saskia Gt

Amazing cause in so many ways 💕 Good luck to an amazing team x