In memory of our beautiful friend, Janet Dawson
I’m walking to support The Royal Marsden, a world-leading cancer centre.
In April 2024, our beautiful friend Janet, lost her brave battle with this awful disease. On the 10th of May 2025, myself and Kim Coles will be taking part in the 15 mile Banham Marsden March between the Royal Marsden hospital in Chelsea to the Royal Marsden Hospital in Sutton, in memory of our dear friend, Janet Dawson. We would be so grateful for any donations you are able to give to help raise money for this amazing hospital. By donating to my page, their nurses, doctors, and research teams can provide the very best care and develop life-saving treatments, which are used across the UK and around the world. Together, we can transform the lives of cancer patients. Thank you for your generosity. Love Sara &
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In memory of our beautiful friend, Janet Dawson
Monday 17th Feb In April 2024, our beautiful friend Janet, lost her brave battle with this awful disease. On the 10th of May 2025, myself and Kim Coles will be taking part in the 15 mile Banham Marsden March between the Royal Marsden hospital in Chelsea to the Royal Marsden Hospital in Sutton, in memory of our dear friend, Janet Dawson. We would be so grateful for any donations you are able to give to help raise money for this amazing hospital. Thank you so much in advance for your generosity. Sara & Kim xxx ShareThank you to my Sponsors

Mairead Delaney

David Ginn
The perfect way to warm up for the London Marathon 2026! Such a wonderfully worthy cause. I’ll be staying in next two months so that’s another huge upside for all the family. X

Good Luck Sara.

Good job Sara .. keep going x

Good luck both of you. Wonderful thing to do xx

Clare Khan

Jo Cook
Great charity, good luck, love Jo, Alex, Hollie and Jake xxx

Toni Suggitt
Well Done Girls x

Sarah Brown
Good Luck Sara 🩷 love The Browns xxx

Good luck Mum.

Paul & Beth
Good effort for a great cause.

Emma Dignam
Such a lovely thing to do in memory of your beautiful friend 🤍 xxx

Good luck Mrs Ginn!!

The Clarkys
Well done Sara. Great cause.

Gill Helps
Go girls! You'll smash the walk and smash your target. Love from the Helps-Jones clan xxx

Kristian Leighton

Luke Milton
Good luck Sara X

Pamela Binks
Good luck