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The incredible Royal Marsden

Tuesday 14th Jan

When you come under the wing of the Royal Marsden, you are looked after with absolutely everything they have…excellence, precision, kindness and much more.  You are literally in the best hands. I am one of many people lucky enough to have these incredible people look after me and on May 11th I’m walking to raise any funds I can for them. 

Thank you to my Sponsors


Sade And Hamish

Well done Nicola and Emma!



Wishing you the speediest of recoveries and enjoy the March!


Tom And Monica Grant

Good walking. Hope it’s a nice day.


John Grant

Respect for response to treatment and for this commitment to help the cause.



Hope you’ve got some comfy shoes Nicola! Good luck.


Emma Raben

Fair play Nic, hope you enjoy it and that Angus can come!!


Doug Adam

Thought you might relax through February? But no. Thats not your style. Go for it Nic!! Much love, Doug


Krystyna Adam

Good luck Nic. Go for it! Lots of love. Kxxxxxx


Amy Davis

Good luck, enjoy the walk!


Jane Bow

Hi Nicola, Michael also wanted to give so that's from both of us. Good luck.


S & P

Go for it Nic! You can do this! Love from us all xx


Jennifer Cali


Alison Gray


Vanessa Sullivan


Rachel And Ludo

Great job Nicola! Enjoy the walk!


S & C

Good luck!


Kev Linklater

Good Luck Nicola & Best Wishes x



Just keep being amazing...!


Denise Walker

Best of luck to you Nicola 🙏.


Zoe Flashman


R&e X

Walk on the wild side, Nicola. Walk like an Egyptian. Walk like you've never walked before. ie. in a straight line. Maybe skip for a bit too. Love R&E xx


Cory Adam

Good luck !! Very proud of you




James Law

Hope it goes well. X


Dawn Greenhalgh



Suzanne Linklater

Best wishes Nicola x


Claire Mills

You’re a superstar. Walking the walk not just talking the talk. You rock x