Lucy Eldridge

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Together we walk!

I’m walking to support The Royal Marsden, a world-leading cancer centre. By donating to my page, their nurses, doctors, and research teams can provide the very best care and develop life-saving treatments, which are used across the UK and around the world. Together, we can transform the lives of cancer patients. Please support me today.

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Monday 15th Apr
So after many years of being inspired by what the Marsden achieves and delivers I have signed up for the March. I along with many others will be walking 15 miles between our Chelsea and Sutton sites.
I will be walking as part of Team Kate, in memory of our wonderful colleague who we sadly lost last year. I will also be thinking of family and friends who have been impacted by cancer. 
I have been training, putting in the steps in preparation. So far up to 8 miles!
If you can spare a pound or two in sponsorship it would be much appreciated and it’s going to a fantastic cause.
Much love,

Thank you to my Sponsors


Gill & David Eldridge

Love Mum & Dad x


Daniel Eldridge



Hilary Walmsley

Good luck with the run. Well done!!



All the best for your challenge and the fundraising. Xx



Good luck Lucy xxx



Well done Lucy ! ❤️


Rachael Hymas

Well done Lucy. A fantastic cause and a wonderful establishment. What a lovely tribute to your colleague 🧡


Annemarie Knight

Great work Lucy. Hope the day goes really well xx


Mark Collings

50p a length x


Joy Younger

Well done! Love from Joy & David xx


Sinéad Vaughan

Best of luck! Xx


Victoria Barlow



Good luck Lucy! 🍀👟🏃‍♀️


Clare Francis

Best of luck Lucy. You’ll nail it xx


Victoria Barlow



Good luck!


Mr Slimer Aka Montague

Hiiii Good luck Mama