Lisa Barrow

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Together we walk!

I’m walking to support The Royal Marsden, a world-leading cancer centre. By donating to my page, their nurses, doctors, and research teams can provide the very best care and develop life-saving treatments, which are used across the UK and around the world. Together, we can transform the lives of cancer patients. Please support me today.

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My updates

Our first fundraiser, Emily&Olivia

Friday 3rd May
Another training walk today, this time from school to Friday club...just 2 miles, but at least half a mile was up a pretty big hill, well, it's big when you're only 9!! Today I have  learnt that you can walk, play tennis and pretty much do most things in all weather, but you can't play cricket when it's rained cricket was cancelled, which meant we walked home as well!! So, 4 miles in total this afternoon and a mile this morning in heavy rain. On our walk we have also learnt that we have to watch out for poo, Daddy is good at collecting our rubbish, Rachel is AWESOME at bringing us snacks and the difference between Aloe and long grass! It's impossible to go on a long walk without bringing  nature home! Bad news is, that now mummy knows we  can easily walk from school to Friday club and get there on time! 

Thanks for sponsoring us, we really appreciate it. From Emily....and Livs 

Our first fundraiser, Olivia&Emily

Tuesday 30th Apr
Me and my little Sister(🙊), Emily are walking the Marsden March on 12th May. It's 5 miles, which is a really long way, so we have been practicing to make sure we can do it without moaning.  Mummy and Daddy are doing it with us, so we will make sure their old legs can cope and finish in one piece...although Daddy has got dodgy knees, so we might have to help him cross the finish line! We appreciate any amount that you might be able to sponsor us. Thank you, Olivia (and Emily) 

Thank you to my Sponsors


The Shovs

Go for it B-Cs! Well done, we are very impressed! xxx


Lisa Barrow

From mummy, daddy and grandma. Well Done!!


Robert And Mimi Dibdin

Well done, you are all amazing Love Robert and Mimi X


Jae Jo

Well done to you all Love Jae, Jo, Jack and Jenson X



Well done Emily & Olivia! Great work ladies.


Dominique Delhalle

Bonne chance !!!


Duvessa Owen

Well done lovely ladies x