The Russells

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About us 🫶🏼

Hi everyone, my name is Karley and i’m 18 years old, me and my cousin Ruby who is 17 have decided to take part in the marsden march!  This is in support of our grandad and auntie/mum who have received treatment at these very hospitals. In addition I will be completing the walk in memory of my other grandad who tragically lost his battle to cancer nearly 3 years ago. The march is 15 miles long and roughly takes 6 hours to complete therefore any donations/support would be much appreciated, we look forward to completing the march on the 11th May 2025!


Hello everyone, any donations would be much appreciated as they would be going to a great cause!

Together we walk!

We're walking to support The Royal Marsden, a world-leading cancer centre. By donating to our page, their nurses, doctors, and research teams can provide the very best care and develop life-saving treatments, which are used across the UK and around the world. Together, we can transform the lives of cancer patients. Please support us today.

Our achievements

You increased your target

You shared your page!

You have 5 team members!

Profile picture added

You added a blog post

You've got your first donation

50% of your target raised

Fundraising goal reached!

Thank you to our sponsors


Ronald Russell (granddad)

Good luck RUSSELL in a BUSH.


Val Russell

Good luck RUSSELL in a BUSH


Natalie Russell

So proud of you all for something that is so close to home. Need I say you will smash it.


Josie Simcox

Well done Karley! Great cause !


Archie Russell

Very proud of what you are all doing. See you at the finish line.


Janice Curry

Good luck Lisa, best foot forward 😅


Jo Thomas

Good luck team Russel. Xx❤️


Christine Sparks Karley’s Nan

Good luck girls, great that you are doing this



Sending love ❤️


Emma Benham

Good luck Team Russell! Sure you’ll smash it!


Jess Wills

you should all come to starbucks and i’ll give you all cheeky discounts xxx


Frances Dawkins

Good luck girls xx


Amelia Corner

good luck x


Freya (canterbury Gc)

Good luck Karley!!! You’ll smash it 🩷🩷


Sophie B

Good luck!! Sorry it’s not much x