Look who's walking with Team Natty…………..

In memory of Natalie (Lil Bug)xx
Team Natty is walking again this year in memory of the late Natalie Street. An amazing young lady, inspirational teacher, wonderful sister, daughter, friend who after a 4 year battle lost her fight in November 2022, aged just 28!
Natalie was also a keen fundraiser, who long before her own diagnosis was often fundraising for various charities including the National Autistic Society, CRUK and Crohns & Colitis amongst many others. She even walked the March herself in 2022, just 6 months before we lost her 😢
In 2023, 38 friends and family walked in her memory raising much needed funds for RMCC.
Like last year, her disabled brother will be joining us this year at Mile 10 alongside another young boy with autism and we will all cross that line together remembering our gorgeous Natalie.
The Royal Marsden is a world-leading cancer centre. By donating to our page, their nurses, doctors, and research teams can provide the very best care and develop life-saving treatments, which are used across the UK and around the world. Whilst it is sadly too late for Natalie, through this March we can together help transform the lives of cancer patients just as Natalie would want. Please support us today with a small donation or if you'd prefer, walking with us.
Let’s make our Lil Bug Nat proud 💜
Our achievements

You increased your target

You shared your page!

You have 5 team members!

Profile picture added

You added a blog post

You've got your first donation

50% of your target raised

Fundraising goal reached!
Thank you to our sponsors

Nick Fursman

Ken Ha
What a great cause. Enjoy the walk Nick!

Marie Devereux

Carol Alexander
Good Luck Team Natty 🏃♀️🏃♂️

Alain Quinquenel
Best of luck Nick!

Vicky Line
Go Team Natty!

Good luck Nick! Nat would be very proud of you. Aimee xx

Thanks Nick for your support xx

Good luck Paul x
