Sloan boys

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Together we walk!

We're walking to support The Royal Marsden, a world-leading cancer centre. By donating to our page, their nurses, doctors, and research teams can provide the very best care and develop life-saving treatments, which are used across the UK and around the world. Together, we can transform the lives of cancer patients. Please support us today.

Our achievements

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50% of your target raised

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Thank you to our sponsors


Alan Elliott Merschen


Angie Sloan

Love you, love you, love you all and beyond proud of how far you’ve come. 💕


Peter, Amanda, Alex & Harry

What a truly amazing cause - go Sloans & all Royal Marsden Marchers !


Andrew Franck-steier

Go team - great work Love the 🥚’s


Margaret And Mark Sloan

Good luck all especially those with little legs!


One Traveller Ltd

From Ian and all at One Traveller Ltd


Jonathan Sloan

With Thanks to Hamish Reid for all his support


Jane Odell

Good luck all those little & long legs!


The Coulsons

What a great cause and a great crew, go Sloan boys!


Mark & Channy

My partner was treated at the Royal Marsden in 2023, Jonny. We’ll be there, and won’t just stand with you, we’ll walk with you. Stay strong x


Kay Sloan

Good luck Sloan boys!!!!! Love Kay, Tom and Anna xxxxx


Dave & Heidi Mitchell

Best of luck Jonny!!


Hamish Reid

Enjoy the day. Good luck to the boys as well!!


Matt Sloan

Good luck boys!! X


Hugh Wood

Hats off to you and good luck with it sir!


Thommo Family

Go team! I wish you all the best. Such an important cause.


David H

Best of luck with the fundraising, wishing you luck. David, Claire and Ben


Lorna & Ali Brown

Go team!


Gemma Holmes

Go boys! You’re going to smash this target! Sending all our love Gemma, Ross and Will xxx Ps, I hope the one liners are thick and fast from Sam 😉


Larry Cohen


Mike And Tracey Auger

Great effort Jonny and team! Xx


Jodie Foley

You guys are truly amazing! Congratulations to all for completing the walk! Xx


Tracey Spuyman

Go Sloan boys (and girl). Hope the sun shines on you all. Good luck!


Damian O’grady

You will never walk alone….


Katy Jarvis & Co

Go Sloan boys! You've so got this. We'll be thinking of you! Love the Jarvis's xxxxx


Carole Cook

Good luck to all of you. I’ll be cheering you on x


Jamie Childs

Good look #TeamSloan!!


The Hodges Crew

Albie says his D of E experience suggests you can make it longer by letting Joe navigate.... ;) Sending lots of love from each of us to all of you xx


The Lloyds

Go Team! Great Cause


Cindy Bowden




Sending heaps of love to you Angie and the boys


Katharine Childs

Amazing Jonny, amazing boys, amazing Angie. Team Sloan you are all awesome and we love you. The Royal Marsden is an incredible place and we can’t wait to support you along the way. We will bring refreshments. Much love Katharine, Spencer, Maisie, Alice and Bea xxxxx


Groom Family

Fabulous cause. Very best of luck to you all. Hope you have lots of fun along the way. Love Andrew, Hilda, Tom and Fin xxx


Craig Compagnone


Karl & Lucie Omar

Well done boys! What an amazing achievement by you all! Fabulous effort! Lots of love! Karl & Lucie xxx


Howard Thomas

And I would walk 500 miles and I would ......




Caroline Moultrie

You are a rock star - we are with you all the way. Sent with love, Caroline


Helen Leighton

An amazing cause! Good luck Jonathan and the wider team - we are rooting for you!


Sascha Burden

Sending all our love The Burden's


Simon Hall

Good luck chaps. Great effort for a great cause.


Marc Edney

Good luck Jonny and to the rest of your team. Sending you lots of positive thoughts xx



Go Jonny & gorgeous boys ( you are gorgeous too obviously 💙) lots of love ANDY & WIN XXXX


Mike & Veronica Payne

A wonderful effort for a wonderful cause! Sending you much love and wishing you all the very best of Good Luck!


Kelly Ridley

Am late to this amazing fundraising! Think of you Angie and the boys loads. Sending lots of love. Kelly xx


Chris Ellis

Well done Jonathan. Keep being positive as always and see you soon.


The Cobdens

Well done team! Such a worthy cause! 💪👏


Kate Breen

Go the Sloan boys! Hope all goes well. Bring snacks!! Fabulous effort, well done xx


Ali Durban

Wishing you all tons of love with this!


The Cobden's

Well done to the Sloan boys and to the support team. Great effort!


The Stewarts

Good luck boys! Very impressive


Olivia Burford-taylor


Jessica Allen

Absolutely amazing xx


Katy Ellison

Best of luck Jonny and the boys! You’ll do fab and I know Angie will be cheering you on! enjoy!!! Sending huge hugs to you all from katy, Daniel, freddie and Ben x



Go for it Jonny and Team! You’re all amazing ❤️



Lots of love from all of us xx


Fi & Rich Hoye


Steven Mackie

Always behind you! Well done from The Mackie’s


Anthony Leyens

Well done Team Sloan, a fantastic effort for this tremendous cause. x


Mike, Kate, Theo & Liv Johnson

We're very sorry to hear this news. We hope the walk goes well for you all. Sending our love x


Graham Mckenzie

Good Luck Jon x


Sarah Sheehan

Let's see you can keep up with your youngsters!



Love to all Hope the sun is shining H,M,H&T xxx


Frank Mason


Friend Of Hamish


Claire, Dan, Noah And Clae

Good luck to you all! (Particularly to the little legs section of the team ;) )


Robert Burke

Well done team. Great effort.


Jackie Mcdonald

Good luck Jonny and Sloan boys. Lots of love Jackie



Good luck guys. Here's to you all. Love Jen Phil Eva Luca and Leo


Giles Harper

Great effort Team Sloan


Chris And Frances West

Good luck



Wishing you a wonderful walk with your wonderful Family!!!



Dearest Jonny, Go smash it boys! 🧡🫶🥰 with all my love, Peachy xxx


The Bensons

Go boys! Seeing you all unexpectedly in Norway was awesome. You made our ski holiday! Good luck with the walk; you’ll all smash it! Love from Sarah, Richard, Jamie and Tom


Laura Shelbourne

Hope the walk goes really well and how wonderful that your boys are joining! Hope to catch up soon.


Charlie Bateson



Chris Price


The Maccas

Enjoy your walk boys, great idea and I look forward to the photos! Love The Maccas XXXXX


Charlote Warnes


Doug Mathieson

All the best JS on all all fronts .


Trisha Harbord

Enjoy the walk Jon Boy and the Sloan Boys! Great to see you looking so well. Love to you, Angie and boys. X


Keon Dadgostar


Pam Newman


Fiona Kolek

Jonny, you’re an inspiration. Go Team Sloan (-1). Loads of love from the Koleks


Sarah Lamburn

Good luck! X


Roz And Norms

Good luck boys! This is fantastic and we will be cheering you on every step of the way Team Sloan! Love you all so very much. Roz, Norms, Isla and Ellie xxxx


Lorraine Barnes Burton

All the best to you and your family. Good luck x


Barbara Garner

Best of luck Sloan boys. We are all behind you! Bx


Louise Holmes


Zoe Townsend

With support from The Townsends x


Rhys Powell

Bravo, Jonathan! Your incredible efforts to secure funding for this commendable cause are nothing short of remarkable. May your unwavering commitment be rewarded with great success. Wishing you the very best of luck!


Sharief Ibrahim

Good luck to you all…


Chris Young

Good luck guys. Hopefully no rain!



All my love. And thank you J & A for our epic HB and Kenya days xx


Jessie Staley


Karen Shrimpton

Hey, Sloan family. I did the walk yesterday with a friend Team Horsing Around - late entry ! Just read your achievements and wish we'd met you on the walk WELL DONE BOYS. See you next year!!


Lisa Moss (barnett!)

Sending lots of luck for your big walk - fingers crossed the weather is kind! X


Andrea And Michael

So pleased everything is looking positive


Jo Piani

Good luck Sloane boys and friends! You’re going to smash it 👊🤩


Misty Castaneda

Sending love and support from the US


Andy Raph And Pierre Mathias

Best of luck


Andy Mathias And Family

Well done!


Mark Joy

Good luck and glad you have recovered!


Mark Harrop


Jan Mckeown

You’re AMazing - Go team Sloan xxxx


Helen Gardner

Best of luck to you all!! Keep walking!! Love Helen, Tom, Bella, Phoebe and Emily



Good luck boys! What a great thing to do for an amazing place such as the Royal Marsden Hospital. We know from a personal experience how great they really are.


Lesley Roberts

Very best of luck to all of you!


Sophie Laurimore

Have an amazing walk all Sloans . We will be thinking of you striding / skipping / tottering along x x x Sophie and Rosie H !


The Hammonds

Go the Sloane boys! Lots of love from the Hammonds.


Amelia Robertson


Sophie Peach

Much love to you and your family


Debbie Hindle

Well done Jonathan. I'll be cheering you on virtually!


Margaret Fisher

You have been amazing just keep going on your positive route. Good running to those boys enjoy your day Margaret x


James Hammond

Well done team


Nick Mathias

Good luck everyone!


Lauren Cunningham

Go Team Sloan! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Wishing you the very best of luck. All our love Lauren, Pete, Poppy, Ben and India Xx


Anne Campbell

Go team Sloan! With lots of love, Anne, James, Ewan and John xxx


Chloe, Tony, Nancy & Lottie

Jonny, have a wonderful walk with your 'boyz' big and small. What a tribute to the inspirational team at the Royal Marsden.


The Douglas Family

Go Team Sloan!!! Very best of luck from us all. Marisol, Ed, Frieda & Archie. xxx


Kate Burgess-craddy

Good luck with the walk and your treatment of course. Wishing you, Angie and your boys all the best 😘


Victoria Tarr


Bradnam Family


Simon Moriarty


Tom Rhodes


Alison Ward & Bella

Sending you lots of love and thinking of you xx You’ve got this! xx


Sarah Blackmore


Kate Chambers

An amazing cause and great effort to all those involved.


Samuel Hancock

All the best guys. Enjoy the day and have fun.


Alexandra Delf

Good luck Jonathan and fam!


Claire Pepler

To the Sloan Family, Well done to you all for completing the march. What an achievement! The children at Dulwich Prep were thrilled to do their sponsored walk on Monday. It was a pleasure to be able to raise more funds for the Royal Marsden Hospital, supporting all the amazing work they do. Thank you for being on the start line, Jonny and for kick-starting the event.


Justin Polley

Best of luck Howard, Jonny and family. I'm happy to support such a great cause. I hope that the weather holds for the walk


Lucy Campbell

Good luck!


Oee And Simon

Go team Sloan!!! You’re all amazing and we love you! 💪🏼❤️


Champagne Jane

You’ll smash it! All the best, Jane


The Wilson Family

Good luck! From Rachel, James, Ben and Ollie xx


Cathy B

Brilliant family effort. Go team Sloan!


Jane And Olivia Cook

Good luck


Geoff & Kev

You go boys!!!


Sophie Butler


Alex & Maurice Tunney

Sending you love, snacks and walking rocket fuel boys! Don't forget the blister plasters...


Sonia Kurek

I’m a bit late to say good luck but instead congratulations - fantastic walk , well done . Hope all the blisters have gone now x


Louise Hutt

Well done Sloan boys (and friends)! All the best for the walk. Louise, Theo and Dominic x



Good luck boys xx


Vivienne Borgnis

You’ve certainly picked a lovely day. Go Team Sloan!



Warmest and best wishes to the Sloan family - for the walk and for the other challenges.


Elizabeth Steward


Samantha Holdsworth

Good Luck to you and your boys (especially the ones with the little legs) we are routing for you! Love The Holdsworths x


Ramsay Family

Good luck Ben, Oliver & team from the Ramsay clan x


Suzi & Ben

Best wishes from Suzi, Ben, Noah, Rosa and Arlo



So sorry I’m late, but HUGE congratulations on your walk, and thank you for raising so much for this fabulous hospital. My uncle was a patient there seven years ago, and the treatment he received for his oesophageal cancer was amazing. Sending much love and hugs to all of you! ❤️❤️❤️


Rochelle Bernstein

Sending you, your boys and beautiful wife many prayers, hugs and much ❤️


Sarah Springhall

Good luck and enjoy the walk with your boys! Fantastic cause.


Tracy Vaugha

Hope you and your sons have a stellar walk. Wishing you all the best!


Margaret Mann


Katie Milner


Ralph, Lisa, Winston, Carmen & Bruno Wootton

Great cause well done



Well done boys! X


Trevor & Gloria

Good luck Team Sloan from Trevor & Gloria.


Lisa Good

You boys are smash it. Sending lots of love x


Ruth Wilson

Best of luck to you all, enjoy the walk. Keep kicking cancers butt x


Sarah Peters

Best of luck guys!!


Sonia Older

Go team Sloan! xx


Greg Evans

Good luck lads


Jo Young

Good luck with the walk and your continuing recovery. Lots of love from The Youngs xxx


Fiona Lilley

Good luck Jonathan and gang! Have fun with the boys! Fiona


Jayne Peirce

Good Luck! My Father-in-law was very fortunate to have many years of trial treatment for Cancer at the Marsden and they do such amazing work. I wish you and your boys all the best, making lasting memories. xxx



Good luck Sloan boys!



Break a leg Chris!


Claudia Tye

Sending you all so much love. Claudia, David, Charlie and Honor xxx


Julia Berg

Great job Team Sloan! sorry it isn't more... all very best wishes and love from Julia xx



Wishing you a great walk for a fantastic charity!





Keep on plodding Chris!


Stuary Smith


Alex Norman


Maureen Mcgrory

Good luck Sloan boys! Will be sending lots of positive thoughts on the day. Maureen x


Mark Lander

Good luck team, great effort for a wonderful hospital.


Kate Steel

Go Team Sloan! Best of luck Xx


Claire Neillands

Best of luck with the walk and ongoing treatment … what a wonderful thing to do with your boys ❤️


Tony Dolan

A very worthy cause! Good luck to everyone.



Good luck for the walk Jonny, Angie and the Sloan boys. Incredible cause


Laura Pett

Good luck Team Sloan! Wishing you all the very best. Love Tim, Laura, Sam and Chloe Pett xx


Kartik Rawal


Jo White & Family

Good luck guys! Xxx


Helen Abbs

We will be cheering for you!!


Helen Callaghan

Good luck team! That’s a lot of steps between you all! X


Heather Lowrie

Go boys. What an amazing achievement.


Barbara Kurau

Wishing you all the best on the day and sending Jonny lots of love. Bxx


Guy Harris

Well done Chris and team.


Kathryn Glover

Best of luck to the Sloan Boys Kx


Sophia Wigram

So brilliant to support this, go wonderful Sloanes xxx


Georgina Hagen

Such a worthy cause… go Little Stream!





Thinking of you all. Much love x





Wonderful cause - best of luck all!


Emma Morgan

Good luck boys!!


Gayle Sparkes

Brilliant work and keep going!


Kate Mundell

Well done boys!


Jennifer Zappala

Wonderful getting all the kids at school involved too! 👏


Rachel & Matt Wilkinson

Good luck Jonathan and team! Royal Marsden means a lot to us as it's where Matt had all of his treatment as a child.


Debbie Flannagan

Go boys!! And a massive well done!


Sola Thomson


Kate Mckendry

Well done Team Sloan!! xx


Kate Trotter


Ali Nic

Go team Sloan you are superstars!!


Jenny Southan

Good luck!!


Matt Peake

Best of luck - now smash it like you’ve smashed the C!


Ela Ayhan

Sending my best wishes to you all x


Kate Popham

I didn't have a sense of what you'd been battling recently, but wishing you all a great walk now


Helen Gentle

Good luck to all of you xx


David P


Rosie Savile

Great cause.


Jane Dawkins




Jenna Jones

Good luck all the Sloan’s on the walk! Xx


The Corti’s

Great cause! Good luck. boys. Xx


Sophia Weir

Best wishes to you all x


Anne Lee

Cheering you on from Sydney!



Best of luck


Lucie Wesley

You are such a fighter Jonathan and am blessed to be working with you and supporting this amazing cause. Keep fighting, you have all our support and love.


Freya Matthews

Best of luck Jonathan!


Sarah Wilson

A great cause, well done.


Kaira Stoakes

Good luck guys - I'm sure you will all smash it! X


Molly O'keefe


Jasmine Rushton

Good luck with the walk! Just think of it like our old lunchtime run!


Adam Forsdike

Go well all!


Jack Cook

Sending love and best wishes.




Caroline Poitevin


Sarah Rickwood


Amy Monks


Nereide Greaves


Charlotte Hughes-broughton

Good luck Jonathan & Team!



A well deserved cause.



Keep marching on! and bring a few snacks to keep up with the little ones! :)


Jonathan Sloan


Diana Brown

Good luck Jonny! Love Di



Keep going!!


Susanne Austin


Helen Green

What an amazing thing to do to give back. Good luck for the walk and your continued recovery. Lots of love The Greens xxx




Howard Thomas




Katherine Masters

Wishing you all the very best and happy walking.


Angela Collins


Nicole Pacitto

Good luck Jonathan and team!! 💪


Simon Macfarlane

All the best Jonny, from your old pal Fasty


Lauren Glass


Graham Family

Good luck Jonny & boys


Jane Richards

Sending best wishes


Sophie Bendall


Caroline Leon

Good luck to you boys!


Faye Jordan

I hope it went well


Clare Copperwheat




Catherine Caslin

I'm sure the boys will do you proud. Well done to all of you.


Nighean Walker

Good luck to all. Go Sloans!


Serena Gray



Best of luck - you will smash it!


Sue Strachan

Go Johnnie Go!


Sheila & Nick

Well done Howard! Hope the sun shines for you all on the day, and remains shining on your friend and his family. Great cause. Xxx


Susy Whittaker

Such a worthwhile cause! Good luck


Colin & Jo

Thank you Katie for sharing…. Massive well done all ☺️


Joe Walker

Good luck Jonathan!!




Beaux (2b)

A great cause! Wishing you all the best!


Gabriella Smith

Great cause! Go smash it!!! x




Teddy Scarffe

A place close to our hearts too. Amazing!


Tash Rowe


Dean Ball

Best of luck guys!


Nicole Norman

Proud of you all, always xxx


Lydia Ward

Huge good luck to you all!


Katie Smith Hb



From Woody 3ML. Well done for raising so much money.


Samantha Cuthbert


Isabella Machin

All my luck, you will all smash it!