Dan Casley

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Together we walk!

I’m walking to support The Royal Marsden, a world-leading cancer centre. By donating to my page, their nurses, doctors, and research teams can provide the very best care and develop life-saving treatments, which are used across the UK and around the world. Together, we can transform the lives of cancer patients. Please support me today.

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Why are we marching?

Monday 15th Jan
It’s been 10 years since my wife Sally completed her cancer treatment so the 3 of us (Libby determined to attempt) are going to complete the Marsden March this year. It’s a 15 mile walk between the 2 Royal Marsden cancer hospitals on Sun 12th May. If you can spare any cash and sponsor us that would be amazing! All money raised goes into their continued cancer research and patient support. Many thanks for visiting the page. Dan. 

Thank you to my Sponsors


Ian Day


Hu55 Dog

bing bang bosh to your bunions..


Russell Snow

Good luck on your walk. Great cause.


Kaaren Callenbach


Harry Richard Stanford



Great hospitals


Steven Mahoney


Kevin Koenig


Peter Wood

Sally, Dan, Great achievement and great cause, I bet it was redders. All the best Pete and Anne Wood


Matt, Liz And Family

Well done you guys!!


Stewart Douglas

Go Team Casley !


Dean & Tash

Go Team Casley! Great cause xx


Dominic Suant

Well done, great cause x


Shelly Cale

Go Team Casley!!! Hope the foot holds up bruvva (maybe need a stunt double) ;) lots of love xxxx Shelly xxx


Raj Prabhakar

Great cause Dan




Mark Hutchinson

Well done to all a great cause.


Georgie Maloney

Go on The Casleys!



Amazing charity well done all x


Ann Casley

Good luck Daniel👍


Russell Haley

Good Luck the Casley Family


Matt Behn




Colin Bridges


Ian Gordon

Good luck Fella 👍


Thomas Small


Daniel Reitteen


Charles Hastie


The Rosie’s

Well done team! Xx



Well done Daniel-San…


Sarah Pledger

Good luck bruv and well done to you all doing this! Be thinking of you all xxx


Govind Bains


Steven Samain

Great cause, well done Dan and family.






Cantor Prime


Taylor Oleary



Go Dan - no complaining!! 😃