The Mork and Mindies

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Marching to say thank you.

Having recently completed successful treatment for breast cancer at The Royal Marsden, I thought I’d take this opportunity to give something back. The care and support I received there was exceptional - especially considering all the challenges I presented - and this support continues while I adjust to my “new normal”. 

On 12th May, Kat, Iz and I will be taking part in the 5 mile Marsden March (with me on my wheels!). I’m going completely out of my comfort zone here as I understand that the world is struggling financially right now, but if you feel you can, please do support us, so The Royal Marsden can continue to help as many people as possible beat the shit out of cancer.

Big love, Montse xx 

Together we walk!

We're “walking” to support The Royal Marsden, a world-leading cancer centre. By donating to our page, their nurses, doctors, and research teams can provide the very best care and develop life-saving treatments, which are used across the UK and around the world. Together, we can transform the lives of cancer patients. Please support us today.

Our achievements

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Thank you to our sponsors


Isabel & Dad

All the very best!


Nadia Barb

Wishing you all the best Montse. With love from Nadia and Roger




Ana Pasantes

Vamos Montse!!! Always in awe of you. Mil besitos, Gonzy, Ayala, Xiana, Vilan & Ana xxxxx


Geoff Spiller

Best of luck , a good cause



Best of luck Montse! 💖


Mala And Sheila

Hey M, good luck to you all, on your legs, wheels and any combination thereof! mx


Anna Griffiths

Best of luck with the walk and lots of love. Anna Robin Michael Sophie


Liz Pereira

You're one of the strongest people I know Montse! Super proud of you xx



A good day out in great company, all in aid of a fantastic cause. We'll done guapa!


Dani, Alex & Simon

What an amazing cause. You are amazing for doing the walk, for a fantastic cause



Good luck ladies!!


Eva Liste

Good luck ladies, were proud of you Eva and Edd


Angela And Arthur

Good luck Montse 😊


Jo, Paul And Zeke

Fantastic cause! God luck to you.


Francesca C

Great initiative, team! All the best for your march!! Francesca


Sarah Richardson

Sending so much love and luck xxx



What a great cause, Montse and kudos to you for giving back. Lots of love xx





José & Amanda

Happy Marching! Hope it’s fun & you raise lots for this great cause! xxx




Jo, Paul And Zeke

Good luck, gorgeous Iz. Great cause! Xxx


Honami & Dorothy Matsutani

Good luck for the wonderful cause, Mork & Mindy.


Sharon Andrews

Good luck Izzy! All our love, Sharon, Dom and


John Bell

Good effort for a very worthwhile cause


Mel Croucher

Good luck you lovely 3!!!


Liz North

Wishing you all the luck for the walk and for the future ladies. I know too many people affected by this disease


Kathleen Terry


Robert Mcallister


Wee Man

Nanu Nanu



"Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations" .... go ladies! x


Larraine Mullen


Jane Breeze

Good luck Montse and Iz and team. A worthy cause - you will be brilliant. X



Fantastic charity that helps millions of lives.


Jean Haining

Well done girls. A very worthy cause.




Renate Hassell

Best of luck, you lovely Ladies!! All the way with you in spirit! 💪💪👍👍❤️❤️


Maria Bonnavand

So proud of you Montse darling! You really are an inspiration. Love you loads, Maria xxxx



Montse I shall be there to mop your brow! Great work to you and your marching sisters, good luck Dawn xx


Jane Cretney



Well done to the wonderful team!🥰


Isabella Cullen


Jonathan Carter


Heenal Mistry

Amazing cause and so inspiring of you to do this. Hope you have a great time! xxx


Gwenda Harrington

Well done.


Andy Cooke

Good Luck


Yolanda Somoza

Lo conseguirás! Como todo lo que te propones. Enhorabuena. Te quiero primocha❤️


Aram H

Good Luck!


Fiona B

Finally got round to this! Good luck Montse, have fun.




Faye Longley

Best of luck girls! X


Helen Colley

Good luck Kathleen


Pamela Buckingham

Good Luck Kathleen


Katie Tweddle


Jessica Sloan

Good Luck !


Carolyn Bunn

Good luck - you will ace it!! Great cause ♥️


Yvette Mellalieu







Wishing you good health Montse and good luck with the walk. Sonia