Melissa's Marchers!

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Together we walk!

We're walking to support The Royal Marsden, a world-leading cancer centre. By donating to our page, their nurses, doctors, and research teams can provide the very best care and develop life-saving treatments, which are used across the UK and around the world. Together, we can transform the lives of cancer patients. Please support us today.

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Great cause!


Barney And Poppy Wilkinson

Sponsorship money raised by Barney and Poppy for the wonderful Mini March today! Best of luck with your Big March Team Mitchelson 💪🏼 Such a great cause xxx


Brian Davies

I'll sponsor us to make sure we do it! good luck to us!


Joanne Rosset

An amazing effort, a brilliant cause, hope you all have a great time too. Love from the Rossets


Mark T


Ben Travers


Kit Hollis

Proceeds from sponsored Skyline


Becky Glossop

We’ve got this Team!!! Looking forward to seeing you all on the start line 👊👊👊


Evan, Nieve And Jack Mcsweeney

We really enjoyed the mini march at the weekend, thank you for allowing us to join you all xx


Jeremy Hodgson

All the best “The Embers”. J&E x


Rob O’d

Great cause and best of luck everyone involved!


Terry Knapman




Christopher Minck

Great work fundraising and good luck on the walk!


Matt Horgan

Hi David! Long time no hear! Hope you’re doing well. Matt


Kaz, Si And Will (and Dad Xxx)

Fabulous cause!! Well done sis, what an amazing person you are. Mum and Dad would be so proud of you xxx



Well done Claire, love mum and dad x



Melissa you are incredible. You are an inspiration to us all. You got this!! “If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward” -==== Martin Luther King Jr.




Julian Carey

Good luck Embers. Great cause!


Alex Butler

Good luck Melissa’s Marchers- keep cool xx


Scott Tyler

Good Luck Embers & Victoria . Great cause Best. Scott


Laura Kolankiewicz


The White/evans

Good luck Melissa. In awe of how you're bouncing back and giving two fingers to cancer.


Cosimo Codacci-pisanelli

Well done Mitch- top effort and great cause


Ian Cooper

Good luck!


James Beeton

Great cause and enjoy the day


Daniel Lockwood

amazing news, amazing charity, best of luck guys x


Kofi Oteng


Joe Holden

Good luck!


Amarjit Matharu


Brett Phillpott

Good luck from the Phillpott’s


Stonehill Partners Ltd


The Hansra Family Xxx

Good luck on your fabulous walk! You truly are an inspiration to us all. Xxx


Loz Thirlwall

Fantastic cause. Good luck!




The Lillies

Fantastic cause, amazing job!


Castell Family

Good luck to all Melissa’s Marchers! Sorry I can’t be there with you on the day. You are an inspiration to us all xx




Gdk Software

Good luck from everyone at GDK!


Martin Sedlak

Great cause







Well done Embers!! great cause


Mark Young

Proud of you honey. Mx



Good work Mitch....



Great cause and great effort Rob - all the best!


Mccann Bespoke

Well done Vic 🙌🏻 you’ll smash it as I’m in complete agreement with your hubby! 😝


Priscilla And Chris

Good luck Melissa



Well done Embers great cause and best of luck my friend. Smithy x



So good to hear of the all-clear. Great cause, and best wishes, Rob and Melissa!




Graham Mitchelson

Go team Mitchelson


Joolian, Clare, Freddie & Benji


Marcos And Laura

Great cause Charlotte!


Tomos Nitz

Good luck!


Matthew Mcgrail

Great cause Dave.


Mary Beeton

Good luck today you amazing lot!! Plenty of fluids required - and not just the alcoholic variety! A fabulous thing to do for a fantastic cause xxxx


Greg Holley

Good luck Rob All the very best Greg


Matt Maudling

Well done Dave, hope it went well - feet up for the rest of the week!


Clodagh - Walk


Lorraine Davidson

Allez-hop Ruthie!! Xx


Jason Harris

have fun!


Chris Minton


Stuart May

Good luck! X


Lindsay Moore


Peter Davies

Don't pass up the opportunity of a Pit Stop !


Don And Vicky

Good luck Kit and Jane!! Kit.. Hope you have made up some good songs to entertain Jane on the walk!!


Rachel & Ben

Go Claire! Running for a great cause! Love from Rach, Ben & Henry xxx


Charlie Coupar

Good luck!



Well done Sarah & Brian! Hope you both enjoy it & for a very special hospital doing amazing work. Lots of love, Lou, Stu & Rocs x x x


Nikki Tassell

A great cause. Good luck guys! Talking about your experience in the way you have done is so important. Thank you for raising awareness. I am now getting regular checks because of you. Xxxx


Matthew Bonning-snook

Best of luck. Great cause !


Jane Hollis


David Haynes

Good luck Embers.


Felix Cole

Great Work. Well Done! Enjoy the walk. Cheers


Lisa Fallon

Dear Melissa, Wishing you all the best and hope it all goes well. What a difference your funds will make to so many people. You are an inspiration. I would love to catch up soon, sending so much love and support, Lisa Fallon (your Visible Start and Guinness Buddy!) xxxxx


James Fairweather

Worthy cause, good luck David


Jacky Keats

A worthwhile cause. Good luck darling daughter all my love Mum xx


Nicky & Simon

Good luck tomorrow Melissa, amazing work!


Joanna Gaudoin

Happy walking!!! Xx



Best of luck, fantastic cause and an incredible achievement for you to be doing this! Xxx




Ava Hartley

What a fantastic cause - wishing you lots of luck - love Ava x


Lizzie, Alex, Robin And Ralph Kerr

Well done Melissa! Great fun to be part of the mini march



Good luck the pair of you! Don’t forget the Vaseline


Murielle Davies

Well done, darling! I’m so proud of you. It’s a very worthy cause so stay strong and keep going. I wish we could be there to cheer you all on. Instead, we will be in Turkey, but will raise a few glasses in your direction! Lots of love XXX




Deanna Glossop


The Kavanaghs

Good luck Charlotte xxx


Dennis & Katie

Lovely stuff 🥰


Susan Hollis


Richard Hoad



Good luck both. Love from the Bonds.


Dennis & Jane Lingard

Go Jo Go!



Good luck Charlotte. Xx



Well done guys. Really good of you


Peter Glossop


Olga Ti

good luck!


Lynn Howell

amazing - go team melissa xx


Aston Woodward

Well done Embers !


Gloria Emburey

Good Luck, such a wonderful cause, hope you do well love Gloria & Tony


The Seamans

Best of luck and enjoy it! X


Georgina Hall

There is no better cause! Good luck with the walk - hopefully no rain...


Allison Bedford

Well done you & a very proud Mummy xx


Chris Killourhy

Good luck to you guys and a of Melissa’s Marchers!


Heidi Edser

Good luck Jo and for such a fantastic cause, Royal marsden were amazing with our son when he was unwell x


Jennie & Matk

Good luck!



Well done! Nx


Mike Brundle

Good luck! Sorry I can’t walk it with you all x


The Edisons


Allison Bedford

Well done xx


Iz & Martin

Great cause.


Ben And Emma Collings

Good luck Claire! X


Sophie B

Good luck - text me when you finish and I’ll bring wine and blister plasters round. X


Bayju And Priya Thakar

Excellent cause; good luck on the walk. Bayju and Priya x


Ben Goodberry

Well done Embers & Vicki



Go steady old boy xx


Sheila Buckley

Get practicing! Good luck xx


Sarah Emburey

Good luck!


Carol Demain

Best of luck


The Welshies

Go, Bruce, go!


Nichola Thompson

Amazing Melissa!! Sending lots of love xxx


Ann-maree & Martin

Best of luck Charlotte


Emily & Charlie Deacon

You are an inspiration to us all. Good luck on the walk.


Tim Lumsdon

Great cause - good work mate!


Karen Pinchbeck


Marc, Eadie And Finn Springett

Fly the Springett flag! Love us xxx


Ewan Morgan

Best of luck Jane & Kit - May the road rise to meet you; May the wind be always at your back; May the sun shine warm upon your face and your blisters be bearable on thine feet


Kelli & Rich

Good luck guys! X


Anni Bain

A cause close to our hearts. Well done Jo lots of love Anni and Krissy


Vics And Larry Harrity

Keep walking! X





Sara Leighton


Emma Brady

Great cause Charlotte


Ben G

Good luck both!! Fingers crossed for the weather.


Dan, Clare, Sam, Ollie And Charlie

Good luck from the Prince’s! Great charity to raise money for x


Lucy Hastings

Good luck!


Stu Atkinson

good luck Dave (&Victoria) ! great cause


Tim Haden-scott

Well done Embers, great cause.


Charlotte Crowe


Guy Emmerson

Good luck great cause


Annie Wilson

Good luck darling for such a good cause, we will be thinking of you love Mark and Annie xx


Emily & James M


Stephen Winston

Good luck good cause


Anna Herbert

Well done team, you’ve smashed your target. Have fun 👣


Jacqueline Hayes

Good luck Jo - such a fantastic cause xx


Emma Bentley

Lots of love xxx


Kirsten Kirby

What an amazing effort so impressed 🥳


The Craigs

Best of luck! Xxx



Good luck!


Laura Shaw

Good Luck Shall! Xx


Tom Barrs

Sorry this is so late Vic xxx


Paul Buckley

Good luck!


Bea Ramdhonee



Good luck xxx



Watch braveheart, wear appropriate shoes, turn left. Enjoy the walk - what a great cause.



Don’t forget the fake tan and cod liver tablets


Ed Gamble

Good luck


Anna Goodwin

Go for it HB! X


Anna Mcerlain

Such a great cause. Well done my lovely friend, always such an inspiration x


Ben Clissold

Good luck


Madeleine Brundle

Good luck, Ruth! X


Jack And Freddie X

With love from the mini marchers



Good luck Embers! A great cause and close to my family too. Cheers.


Daniel Butler

Well done Michelle xx


Sarah Rawlins

Amazing cause! Have a great day all of you xx


Sarah Page

My darling friend. You are an inspiration to us all I love you so much. Go girlfriend xxxx


Tony Earnshaw

Mixed emotions - sorry you've had to go through this but so impressed with your response to it. You're a star. Go well!


George Burn


Stephen Greenall

Good luck and great effort for doing this. Xx




Louise O’brien Smith

Best of luck Michelle. X


Taryn Lewis

Well done Ruth 💪🏻👊🏻🏃‍♀️


Sara Noad


Chris Wood

Good luck!


Richard Harding

Well done Embers!


James Goodger

Good luck, Nicola!


B&e White-evans

Good luck team Hollis!!


Lorna Scott

Great cause ! Good luck xx


Nick C

At least it has stopped raining


Beryl Knapp

A good cause, well done!


Team Ida

Well done Melissa’s Marchers - you smashed it!! I’m from TEAM IDA, i’m Ida’s mum. Melissa, I met you just after the 10th mile and we shared a special moment. You were enjoying your well deserved glass of wine :) It was really lovely to meet you and I wish you all the love and healing on the last leg of your treatment. Congrats again on the staggering amount you and your team have raised ❤️


Frances Collins

Good luck my lovely such a fantastic cause and think of the champagne when you finish 💕❤️🤣


Gary & Loretta

Well done Jo. A great cause, close to all our hearts. Go Girl! Love, The Birds x


Andrews Family

Good luck - enjoy your day


Georgie Gardner

Good luck!


Vivien And Geoff Lee

Well Done and Lots of Love to Claire, Melissa and Everyone for taking part in this very special Royal Marsden Walk! x x x


David & Bex

Good luck Jo such an important cause x


Jane Pryce-tidd

Good luck Michelle x



Great cause!!!




Rupert Sheldon

Good luck - I reckon you should just about manage that! A great cause


Matthew Hudson


Jonathan Ackroyd

Great work!


David Berry




Daniel Harris

Good luck!


Jo Redfern

Good luck Becky!


Paula Varcoe

You are One Strong Warrior. Always Strong Always positive xxx


Victoria Emburey

Although 15 miles sounds daunting, My husband has informed me it will be a walk in the park and if I was walking around Bluewater, I could do it without breaking a sweat!!!



Well done Sarah! Very impressive


Chris And Sam

Well done Kweenie. You’ll smash it! Xxx


Libby Tuson

Good luck x


Karen Mccall

Go for it! .. .. amazing charity x



What a great cause !


The Scotts X X

Good luck to all but especially Team Glossop, keep on walking!! Great cause, enjoy the day, it’s a gorgeous one! X


Nick Hankin

Good luck and Best wishes!


Jen, Gavin. & Jena Xx

Fantastic charity! Well done Claire xxx


Amy Carelse

Good luck guys!


Sarah Child

Have fun ladies!


Natalie B


Louise Huntley

Good Luck


Claire Burden

Go smash it guys!! Love Claire & Lily xx


Si, Mich, Chloe And Sienna

All the best, Ruth!


Sheldon Odartey

Good Luck!


Chris, Clare & Max X

Good luck Ruth - great cause


Margaret Mcconnell

Good Luck Caroline, I'm sure you'll smash it. Best wishes from both of us xxx


Wendy Lethem

Good luck both!


The Young Ones

Good luck Kit and Jane! Hope you get some nice weather on the day.


Ness & James Bruce

Good luck Jane & Kit!



Well done Ruth





Well done guys!!


Jules, Oz And The Boys

Well done Pagey!


Tamazin Henney

With you every step of the way Pagey and team. Great cause. Good luck, much love Tam and Jimbo xxx


Sophie Hollis

Go Kit and Jane!


The Abs

Vamos vamos vamos 👏 corre corre corre


Sophie Jordan

Good luck Jo xx


Catherine Markham

Good Luck!!


Wendy J

Best of luck to you all.


Tracy Sutherland

Best of luck to you both!




Christopher Cook

Best of luck!


Derek Heathwood

Good work Embers


Hugh Sanders

Such a good cause that is close to the hear of our family too! Well done!


Emma Galloway

Good luck Jo xxx


Janet Walker

Good luck x


Nafisa Youngs

Go Charlie!


Sarah, David And Ella Jakes

Good luck Jo and all the team! Love, The Jakes xx


Paula Jay

Best of luck 🚶🏻‍♀️🚶🏻‍♀️🚶🏻‍♀️


Bill & Sylvie Springett

Well done Nicola!


Heather Young

Good luck, you’ll smash it!


Maia And Silas Xx

Good Luck Adam and Becky and everyone else walking!


Beth, Tony And Peggy Wilson

High knees chicken xxx


Paul King

Hopefully QBE will match this even though 7 minutes late.


Paula Davies

Well done, mate. Feet up now!


Caroline Staunton

Go Go Jo Jo!


Bev Kenning

Good luck Jo. Great cause xxx


Louise Hunter

Good luck Jo and team x


Jackie King

The best of luck Jo, lots of love xx



Good luck! Love vic & Charlie xx



Good Luck!


Liz Appleton-hall


Pia Skeen

Good luck and keep walking.


Sara Siena

Melissa, you're a fighter and an all round amazing human. Sending you loads of love on this fundraising walk - and remember to take blister plasters, just in case! XXX



Well done & thank you Jo, a very worthy cause, love Lynnette & Mike xx


Christa Baldwin

Such a great cause, good luck. X


Rachel Nixon

Good luck Ruth and all the walkers. I hope you have a great day to support a brilliant charity.


Karen Fitzpatrick

Great cause Michelle!




Jo Wells


Jennie Blackmore

Good luck Ruth!


Debs & John

Good luck guys xx


Sir Terry Read

GOOD LICK TO DAY SIS It’s the bus number 151 you need if you want to cheat Or £200 in my cab 🤣


Sarah Breeze

Good luck! X 🥰


Gemma Laman


Zo & Co

I wanna hear panting feet guys - go go go! xx


Michelle Butler


Sarah Davies


David Hewett

Good luck and I hope the sun shines but in a cool, refreshing sort of way!


Rosie Cox



Great work for a great cause. Best of luck!


Nicola Springett


Pamela Craig

Good luck Jo xxxx



Good luck! Xx


Jo Cawthorne

Good Luck Jo Jo. Xx


Lynsey Layton

Well done everyone xx


Kate, Chris And Yvie

Good luck!! Xx


Anna Bennett

Well done mate!


Andrew Smith


Vivien Lee

Well Done Lovely Melissa! xxx


Joanne Hughes


The Easton’s

Go smash it!


Andrew Glendinning


Sarah Davis

Good luck Michelle! Xxx


Leanne Defries

Great cause, good luck! x



Well done for raising money any awareness to the Royal Marsden Cancer Charity, a great effort x



Good luck!



Good luck Kit and Jane


Paul Burton


Patricia Butler

Well Done Michelle! Xx


Caron And Giles Tomsett

Well done Ruth what a great cause !




Ruth Brundle


Lucy Treacy

Good Luck Ruth! X


David And Jody

Good luck 😀


Ciara Duffy

Good luck Michelle and Team! X


Linton Ward

Fantastic cause. Wishing you and the team all the best. From the Wards


Celia And Family



Well done Caroline and all on the walk.


Marcus Jones

Good luck!


Becks Webster-smith

Good luck to you all! X


Anne Buckley


Natalie & Keith

Good Luck Jo xx


Paige Baldwin

Good Luck!



Great job guys!! Keep going! 🥳💪🏼 xxx



Go Pagey! x


Melanie Lello

Great cause Victoria well done 👏 xxx


Aly Carroll

Good luck Michelle xx


Rob Stone


Jo Clays

Well done Vicci - a fantastic cause x



Best foot forward!! Good luck and happy marching!!


Darren David

Have a fantastic day!! Great job 👍👍



Kweenie Go! Kweenie Go! Kweenie Go Go Go!



Good luck Jo! Enjoy the march!




The Charmers

Great cause, good luck and enjoy!


Emma Bond

Go Ruth!!


Jessica Bunce

Good luck!


Nadine Witthaus

Good luck!


Yvonne Orr


Jodie Rutland


Claire Young


Beth X

Well done Jo! X


Pam Lee


Alex & Fraser

Good luck!


Michala Griffin



Well done Caroline, go smash it!


Tamsin Reader

Great cause Jo. Enjoy the walk!


Michelle Holdsworth

Good work, great charity


Chris Bell


Roisin Duffy

Good luck! Drink lots of water!!!


Arabella Greenall-thomas


Jing Zhang


Lucia Keijer-palau


Emma Morley

Go Jo! Great cause. Xx


Steph (the Haycutter)

An amazing charity and hospital and an incredible amount of money raised! Well done x


Geraldine Albon

Good Luck Jo you will be amazing xx


Carol Allison

Good luck Jo, such a great cause ! Xx


Jo Fenner

Good luck Pagey and Melissa! X


Caroline Johnson

Well done Jo, such a good cause xxxx


Piers Lello

Good luck.


Nicola Hayward

Well done Michelle ❤️





Good Luck Coach X


Abigail Gage


James Ramsden

Good luck guys